CCACO is a community for our doctors. We create partnerships and delivers high caliber physicians, innovative services and a powerful commitment to meet the needs of our patients and our communities. Learn about our services below.
The Shared Savings Program is a voluntary program that encourages groups of doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers to come together as an ACO to give coordinated, high quality care to their Medicare beneficiaries.
As a proud participant of the Shared Savings Program, CCACO has earned shared savings for four consecutive years and saved over 34 millions for CMS in total. In 2018, CCACO is ranked 2nd among all 39 New York State accountable care organizations (ACOs) and 6th out of all 548 ACOs nationwide for percentage of expenditures saved.
Members of CCACO receive a portion of shared savings depending on their performance. We have a great team who are dedicated to help our members achieve success. Learn more about how you can improve your performance earn more shared savings!
We understand the struggles. Although the concepts of value-based care and quality reporting are meant to go hand in hand, many healthcare providers struggle to realize success with both endeavors. CCACO is here to help!
Our members are required to report for Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Group Practice Reporting Option (GPRO). Our team will go to your office in person to provide any assistance you would need with these programs. Learn about what they are and how we help below.
MIPS was designed to tie payments to quality and cost efficient care, drive improvement in care processes and health outcomes, increase the use of healthcare information, and reduce the cost of care.
The MIPS Performance Year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 each year. Program participants must report data collected during one calendar year by March 31 of the following calendar year.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services generates a sample of beneficiaries for each of the quality measures that are pre-populated in the the Web Interface. To assess which beneficiaries to include in each sample, CMS reviews the Medicare claims submitted by your organization during the performance period and creates a sample of beneficiaries for each measure based on the measure criteria. Your group is then asked to report on that sample of beneficiaries
CCACO provides an easy-to-understand platform as well as in-person assistance to each practice to report quality data. For details, log in to your member account.
The patient-centered medical home is a model of care that puts patients at the forefront of care. PCMHs build better relationships between patients and their clinical care teams. NCQA's Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition Program is the most widely adopted Patient-Centered Medical Home evaluation program in the country. More than 12,000 practices (with more than 60,000 clinicians) are recognized by NCQA. And more than 100 payers support NCQA recognition through financial incentives or coaching.
If you are a member of SOMOS Community Care, CCACO provides complimentary consultation services to help your practice get NYS PCMH recognized from ground zero. Interested? Contact us!
CCACO has a talented team who are able to turn your healthcare data into meaningful insight and actionable advice, so that you can understand your patients better and manage your patients' health more systematically.
As a member of CCACO, you receive monthly and quarterly report on your Medicare Patients and how your practice perform as a whole. Log in to your account today and learn more!